One of the best sources is peanut butter. That is good of vegetable protein for our body, as long as it consumes in moderation.

There are a lot of brands of peanut butter that sold on the market, but it seems that, on average, it uses a variety of mixes, ranging from oil, preservatives, emulsifiers, and soon. These unnatural additives are not suitable for our body's health if consumed continuously.

Many people avoid legumes because they thought to cause gout, which is not always the case. In the last few months, I consume peanut butter almost every day, but of course, its balance with other foods that are healthy and can reduce uric acid levels, and the most important thing is regular exercise.

When consumed properly, peanut butter is suitable for dieting, not making fat. Regarding how to eat it, its benefits, and how to prevent gout, please browse by yourself.

Here I will explain how to make peanut butter, which is very, very easy, practical, requires patience. I guarantee the result will be far better than factory-made peanut butter, even well-known brands. The results of this homemade peanut butter will taste very creamy from the original nut. One meal, guaranteed to be addictive! (Unless you don't like beans.)


How to make:

- Buy peanuts (do not need to peel the skin).

- Clean the dirt or other ingredients that are sometimes mix in these peanuts.

- Wash thoroughly first, then dried or air-dried to dry.

- After that, prepare the oven and baking pan, which is enough to bake these beans. Usually, I buy 2 kg of peanuts, and to grill, it placed in 3 pieces 30X30 cm and baked in a 30 cm Tangkring oven.

- Roast peanuts over medium heat are rather small (if the fire is too big, it will burn quickly. If it is too low, it will take a very long time).

- Every 10-15 minutes, move the pan position in the oven (top/middle/bottom), while occasionally stirring the beans to cook evenly.

- After the beans are cook entirely, turn off the oven and cool the beans. I need about 2 hours for every 2 kg of peanuts.

- After cooking, the weight will usually shrink by around 10%.

- After the beans have cooled, please put them in a food processor, and run the food processor for about 10 minutes. At this stage, the seeds will become a thick mixture. It continues a direction until it becomes jam, so it's not a problem. It's just that the food processor will get hot, and it should be rested instead of broken.

Please do not ask if there is no food processor what to do. Please buy, or try with a blender, or pulverize if you feel healthy.

- Add refined sugar according to taste. I use granulated sugar until smooth. If you use direct sugar, the sugar will be a little rough at the end.

- Add salt to taste, too.

- Rerun the food processor for 5-10 minutes, or until the desired level of fineness.

A few notes:

- For about 500 grams of groundnut that has been roast, can use 40-100 grams of refined sugar, depending on taste. Just one teaspoon of salt is used (not a spoon for stirring drinks, but a teaspoon according to the rules of baking).

- The most healthy is if you do not add sugar and salt, but most people will not like the taste.

- No need to add oil, because the beans themselves will come out of the oil, and it is enough to make the texture smooth and like jam.

- If you like rough or crunchy textured, reduce the processing time in the food processor. Or blender a little peanut to make it coarse, and mix it last when the food processor has jammed.

- For those who like models like Nutella, you can add chocolate powder, of course, of good quality, to the food processor. I just wanted to try it, so I don't know for sure how many grams of chocolate powder or sugar will be needed. I'll post later then.

- Peanuts can be replaced or mixed with almonds or other types of beans (as long as it's not just long beans, hahaha)

- If you are lazy to make it, order it at my homemade peanut butter like the photo above hahaha .... ^ _ ^

Very easy, right? And certainly healthy and authentic without strange preservatives and additives.

Good luck ^ _ ^


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